Party Wall Appointment
Hampstead Garden Suburb NW11
Close to Hampstead and Golders Green.
Background: All the works proposed were internal to the property.
We were initially appointed by the building owners following which, the adjoining owner appointed us as Surveyor to act on their behalf as well, i.e., as 'Agreed Surveyor', in which role a Surveyor acts impartially for both neighbours.
There was one adjoining owner to the works.
The works the removal of a chimney breast and the removal of internal walls fixed to the Party Wall.
When the schedule of condition was undertaken note was taken of the fact that the adjoining owner had an intact chimney breast with an open fireplace. The proposed removal of the building owner's side of the chimney breast risked dislodging soot resulting in damage to the adjoining owner's carpets. The Award addressed this, requiring that the chimney breast be closed with a chimney balloon to prevent soot falling into the house. A the conclusion of the works the building owner was to have his workers place overlay over the carpet in the vicinity of the open flue before carefully removing the balloon.